On Video Art in Europe : Historical documents (beginning of the 1970s)

Renato Barilli, Video-recording a Bologna in Marcatré n°58-60, Rome, 1970, it

Mike Leggett, Ian Breakwell (ed.), Reply to Unword Questionnaire in Unword Questionnaire, 28 April 1970, London, Tate Modern Collection / British Artists’ Film and Video Study Collection, 1970

Tommaso Trini, Di videotape in videotappa. Note sui primi esperimenti televisivi da parte degli artiste in Domus n°495, p. 49, feb. 1971, it

Francesco Carlo Cripolti, Videobelisco art video recording, Rome, Panorama Delle Arti, 1971, it

Jacques Monnier, Une première à Lausanne à la Galerie Impact : Action film-vidéo, 17 may 1972, fr

Mike Legget, VIDEO + VIDEO/FILM some possibilities suggested by some experience, Exeter College of Art & Design / British Artists’ Film and Video Study Collection, 1973, en

Les expériences étrangères : janvier 1974. Télédistribution et vidéo-animation
, Paris, Tema-éditions, 1974, fr

La TV s’interroge, Education et Culture, Revue de coopération culturelle du conseil de l’Europe, n. 25, 1974 (Spring), fr

Nuovi media Film e videotapes - Quattro serate organizzate dal Centro Documentazione e ricerche Jabik, 1974, it

Le arti visuali e il ruolo della televisione, Exhibition, Torino, ERI/Edizioni RAI, 1978, it

Association de la Vidéo indépendante Suisse, 1984, fr, de

On Video Art in Europe : Books

Edit András (ed.), Transitland. Video Art from Central and Eastern Europe 1989-2009, Budapest, Ludwig Múzeum - Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum, 2009, en

Marius Babias, Kathrin Becker et Dieter Daniels (ed.), Time Pieces: Video Art Since 1963, Cologne, Walther Konig, 2014

Renato Barilli, Informale oggetto comportamento – 2. La Ricerca artistica negli anni’70, Milano, Giancacomo Feltrinelli Editore, 1979, it (*)

René Berger, La Télé-fission, alerte à la télévision, Paris, Casterman, 1976, fr

Axel Klepsch (ed.), Vilém Flusser, Nam June Paik (Authors). Discover European Video: Anthology Film Archives, New York - Düsseldorf, 1990, en

Dany Bloch, Art et vidéo, 1960-1980/82, Locarno, Flaviana, 1982, fr

Dany Bloch, L’Art vidéo, Paris, L’image 2, 1983, fr

Dominique Bonnet Saint-Georges, Art vidéo-vidéo art. Le nouveau musée (19 feb. – 28 march 1980), Lyon, Le nouveau musée, 1980, fr

Wojciech Bruszewski, Wroclaw, Osrdek Kultury i Szutuki, 1980, pl

Mariagrazi Bruzzone, Sandra Lischi, Faliero Rosati, Informare contro informare per, Rome, Armando, 1976, it

Paolo Cardazzo, Sirio Luginbühl (eds.), Videotapes : arte tecnica storia, Padova, Mastrofiacomo, 1980, it

Germano Celant, OffMedia. Nuove tecniche artistiche : video disco libro, Bari, Dedalo libri, 1977, it (*)

Mario Costa (ed.), Art media : rassegna internazionale de estetica del video e della communicazione, Opera universitaria di Salerno, 1985, it

Enrico Crispolti, Extra Media. Esperienze attuali di comunicazione estetica, Torino, Studio Forma, 1978, it

Davis Douglas, Allison Simmons (eds.), The new television : a public-private art, Cambridge, Massachussets, MIT Press, 1977, en

Anne Marie-Duguet, Vidéo, la mémoire au poing, Paris, Hachette Littérature, 1981, fr

E. Fadini, C. Quartucci, Viaggio nel Camion dentro l’avanguardia, Torino, Cooperativa Editoriale Studio Forma, 1976, it

Patrice Flichy, Les industries de l’imaginaire, I.N.A, PU.G, 1980, fr

Rudolf Frieling and Dieter Daniels (ed.), Media Art Action – The 1960s and 1970s in Germany, Vienne/New York, Springer, 1997

Bettina Gruber, Maria Vedder, Kunst und Video : Internationale Entwicklung und Künstler, Köln, DuMont Buchverlag, 1983, de

Heidi Grundmann, Art Telecommunications, Contemporary Arts Press, 1985, de

Ryszard W. Kluszczyński (ed.), Warsztat Formy Filmowej 1970-1977 / The Workshop of Film Form 1970-1977,  CSW Zamek Ujazdowski, Warsaw, 2000, pl/en

Rosalind Krauss, Video : The Aesthetics of Narcissim in October, vol. 1, n°1 (pp. 50-64), spring 1976, en

Jacques Kuchler, A.B.C. de la vidéo. Télédistribution et vidéo animation, Paris, La Documentation française, 1974, fr

Anne-Marie Laulan, La Vidéo, un nouveau circuit d’information ? in A.T.P. n°21, C.N.R.S, 1977, fr

Gerhard Lechenauer, Alternative Medienarbeit mit Video und Film, Stuttgart, Rowoholt Taschenbuch Verlag, 1979, de

Laura Leuzzi, Elaine Shemilt and Steve Partridge (ed.), European Women’s Video Art, John Libbey Publishing, 2019

Holde Loest, Robert Wangermee, L’après-télévision, Hachette, 1973, fr

Dorine Mignot (ed.), Revision: Art Programmes of European Television Stations, Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, 1987

Lars Movin and Torben Christensen (ed.), Electronic Undercurrents: Art & Video in Europe, Copenhague, Statens Museum for Kunst, 1996

Michael O’Pray, Whose Image is Anyway , Edimburgh International Television Festival, 1985, en

Marit Paasche, Lives und Videotapes, The inconsistent History or Norwegian Video Art (introduction), Feil Forlag / Videokunstarkivet, Oslo, 2014, en (*)

Daniela Palazzoli, Fotografia, cinema e videotape. L’uso artistico dei nuovi media, Milano, Fratelli Fabri, 1977, it

Stephen Partridge, Ben Cook, Sean Cubitt, Adam Lockhart (ed.), REWIND + PLAY An Anthology of Early British Video. LUX, London, 2009

Jonathan Price, Video-visions : a Medium discovers itself, New York, New American Library, 1977, en

Grégoire Quenault, Reconsidération de l'histoire de l'art vidéo à partir de ses débuts méconnus en France entre 1957 et 1974, PhD, under the dir. of Claudine Eizykman, Université Paris 8, 2005 

Alexeij Sagerer, ProT bringt Video, Film auf Video, München, Werkstatt, 1983, de

Alessandro Silj (ed.), Video ‘79 : Video, the first decade, Rome, Kane, 1979

On Video Art in Europe: Articles / Published in Journals

René Berger, L’art vidéo : défis et paradoxes in Artpress n°13, sept. – oct. 1974

René Berger, L’art vidéo in Art Actuel Skira Annuel (pp. 131-137), Genève, Albert Skira, 1975, fr

René Berger, Les mousquetaires de l’invisible : artistes vidéo suisses in Cinéma n°4 (pp. 39-43), 1977, fr

René Berger, Les mousquetaires de l’invisible. La vidéo-art en Suisse in Musée-Information. Bulletin du Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts, n°13, Lausanne, 1978, fr

Maria-Glori Bicocchi, L’utilisation de la vidéo en Europe in Parachute n°8, 1977, fr

Jean-Paul Cassagnac, Les paradoxes de la vidéo in Cinémas d’avant-garde in Cinémaction n°10-11, 1980, fr

Sean Cubitt, Greyscale Video and the Shift to Colour in Art Journal, Fall 2006

Guy Gauthier, Philippe Pilard, Télévision passive et télévision active in Téma-éditions, Paris, 1972, fr

Bulat M. Galeyev, Igor V. Dolenko, The First Experiments of SKBPrometei” in Video Art, Leonardo, vol. 27, n° 5, October 1994, pp. 399-4, en

Jean-Paul Fargier, Paikologie in Cahier du cinéma, n. 299, April 1979, fr

Wulf Herzogenrath, Videokunst, ein neues Medium in der bildenden Kunst in Magazin Kunst, n. 4, 1974

France Huser, La vidéo et le temps in Revue d’Esthétique n°4, 1975, fr

Pierre Restany, La Videomostre, Video 1975 : l’immense et fragile espoir d’un art populaire pour l’an 2000 in Domus n°547, 1975, fr/it

Francesco Spampinato, Universo Alchimia: metafisica del quotidiano e intermedialità postmoderne in Palinsesti, n°10, 2021, it

Francesco Spampinato, Cathode Mamma: Post-Punk and Television in Italy in Cinéma & Cie. International Film Studies Journal, Vol. XIX, N. 33, Fall, 2019, en 

Francesco Spampinato, Ibridazione, corpi e media. Pratiche artistiche del video in Italia negli anni Ottanta in Sciami/ricerche. Webzine semestrale di Teatro, Video e Suono, n°6, 2019, it 

Tommaso Trini, Artevideo e multivision in D’ARS n°75 (pp. 12-21), Milano, july 1975, it

Jeremy Welsh, One Nation Under A Will (of Iron), ou : les jouets brillants des enfants de Thatcher in Kunstforum International, n. 117, 1992

La télévision en partage. La télévision par câble et la vidéo, Dossier N° 3 in Institut d’Etude et de Recherche en Information visuelle, Lausanne, 1973, fr

La télévision par câbles in Communications n°21, 1974, fr

Art Vidéo in Opus International n°54, 1975, fr

Studio International Journal Itd. (vol. 191, n° 981), may - june 1976, en

Videoglyphes n°1, feb. 1979, fr

Libre antennes, écrans sauvages in Autrement n°17, 1979, fr

Videoglyphes n°3/4, 1980, fr

L’ombre, le miroir, l’index. A l’origine de la peinture : la photo, la vidéo in Parachute n°26, Montréal, Spring 1982, fr

Actes du Colloque Vidéo fiction et cie. 2ème manifestation internationale de vidéo de Montbéliard, Exhibition, Montbéliard, CAC, 1984, fr

On Video Art in Europe: Texts for catalogues

Maurizio Calvesi, « Azioni al video », Avanguardia di Massa in Schemi TV al posto dei quadri (pp. 226-228), Milano, Feltrinelli Editora, 1978, it (*)

Dieter Daniels, 10 Years Videonale – Greatest Hits, Videonal 6, 1994, Bonn

Catherine Elwes, Through Deconstruction to Reconstruction in Desmontaje: Film/Video/Apropiacion/Reciclaje(Demontage: Film/Video/ Appropriation/Recycling), Institut Valencia, 1993 (1985), pp. 162-165

Ernesto Luciano Francalanci, VT is not TV in Videotapes, Audioidentikit, Venice, Galleria del Cavallino, feb. 1975, it

Wulf Herzogenrath, Video als Künstlerisches Medium, Köln Kunstverein, 1974,
 pp. 2-5,

Wulf Herzogenrath, An Advocacy Art for a New Time in Project 74, Kunsthalle Berne, pp. 80-87, 1974

Wulf Herzogenrath, Video Art in West Germany in Ira Schneider and Beryl Korot (éd.), Video Art: An Anthology, New York, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976

Wulf Herzogenrath, Video in Kunst über mittlungsformen, NKB Berlin, 1977

Miklos Peternák, A videóról (On Video), 1980

Cosetta Saba, Valentina Valentini (eds.) Videoarte in Italia. Il video rende felici, Treccani, Rome, 2022, it

On Video Art in Europe: On Artists

László Beke, An Outline of the History of Hungarian Video Art, 1985

László Beke, Gábor Bódy, Networker, 2017

Gábor Bódy, A presentation of his work, 1946-1985, Palace of Exhibition, Budapest, 1987

Douglas Davis, Video, obiekty, grafika (march - april 1982), Exhibition, Muzeum Sztuki, Łódź, and ZPAF, Warsaw, 1982, pl/en

VALIE EXPORT: in her own words (eds. Yilmaz Dziewior & Katrin Sauerländer), Museum Ludwig, Köln, 2023, en/de

Marianne Heske, Arbeider & Notater (Works & Notes), Maastricht, Bonnefanten Museum, 1978, nl

Roxana Marcoci and Terry Eagleton (ed.), Sanja Iveković, Sweet Violence, MOMA, 2011, New York, en

Scacco Lorella, Videoscapes from Norway: from the Periphery to the Centre and viceversa in Retrospective. Film and Video Art in Norway. 1960 – 1990 (L. Lervik, F. Kalantary eds.) Atopia Stiftelse, Oslo, 2011, pp. 109-117, en/nw

Stephen Partridge, A Small Survey of Early Works in Retrospektiv : film- og videokunst i Norge, 1960-90 (Farhad Kalantary and Linn Lervik, ed.), Atopia Stiftelse, Oslo, 2011

Stephen Partridge, Artists' Television: Interruptions – Interventions in REWIND British Artists' Video (Sean Cubitt and Stephen Partridge (ed.)), John Libbey Publishing, 2012

Andrzej Paruzel, Video Instalacje 1976-1978 (2-4 dec. 1978), Dom Środowisk Twórczych, Łódź, 1978, pl/en

Janusz Zagrodzki (ed.), Wojciech Bruszewski, Fenomeny percepcji (Phenomena of Perception), Łódź: Municipal Art Gallery in Łódź, 2010, en/pl

Image, Vision and the Attribution of Meaning in Gábor Bódy's Oeuvre in Der Stand der Bilder: die Medienpioniere Zbigniew Rybczyński und Gábor Bódy / State of Images: The Media Pioneers Zbigniew Rybczyński and Gábor Bódy (Siegfried Zielinski and Peter Weibel éd.), Nürnberg, Verlag für Moderne Kunst, 2011

Video corpus. La vidéographie dans tous ses états, dossier no. 10., Institut d'Étude et de Recherche en Information Visuelle, Lausanne et Fondation Pro Helvetia, Zurich, 1979

Video Art, England’s Avant Garde, an interview with Sean Cubitt, Rewind 2009

On Video Art in Europe: Chronologies

Eugeni Bonet, Joaquim Dols, Antoni Mercader, Antoni Muntadas (eds.), En torno al Video, Barcelona, G. Gili – Coleccion Punto y Linea, 1980, sp (*)

François Bovier (ed.), Early Video and Experimental Film Networks: French-Speaking Switzerland in 1974: A Case for “Minor History”, Lausanne/Dijon, ECAL/Les presses du réel, 2017

Sean Cubitt and Stephen Partridge (ed.), Rewind: British Artists’ Video of the 1970s and 1980s, New Barnet, John Libbey, 2012 (*)

David Curtis, (ed.), A Directory of British Film and Video Artists, Arts Council of England John Libby Media, Luton Press, 1996

David Curtis, A History of Artists’ Film in Britain, British Film Institute, London, 2007

An interview with Dieter Daniels in Videonale 10 (exhib. cat.), Kunstmuseum Bonn, Verlag Walter König Köln, 2005, pp. 151- 161, en

John Ellis, Visible Fictions : Cinema, Television, Video, London, Routledge and Kegan, 1982, en

Catherine Elwes and Chris Meigh-Andrews (ed.), Analogue: Pioneering Video from the UK, Canada and Poland (1968-88), Preston, EDAU, 2006

Rudolf Frieling and Dieter Daniels (ed.), Media Art Action: The 1960s and ʼ70s in Germany, Goethe Institut, ZKM-Karlsruhe and Springer, New York, 1997

Jackie Hatfiled and Steve Littman, Diverse Practices-A Critical Reader on British Video, Arts Council England and John Libby Media, Luton Press, 1996

Mike Hartney, An Incomplete and Highly Contentious Summary of the Early Chronology of Video Art (1959-75) in LVA Catalogue, 1984

Wulf Herzogenrath, Chronology für die USA und Europa in Project 74, Kunsthalle Berne, 1974

Wulf Herzogenrath (ed.), Videokunst in Deutschland 1963-1982, Stuttgart, Gerd Hatie, 1982, de

Wulf von Herzogenrath and Rudolph Frieling (ed.), 40 Yearsvideoart.de: Digital Heritage: Video Art in Germany from 1963 to the Present, Ostfildern/New York, Hatje Cantz/DAP, 2006

Alice Hutchison, art/tapes/22 in collaboration with the Venice Biennale Foundation’s Historic Archives of Contemporary Arts (ASAC) in Italy, The University of Califonia State, Long Beach Art Museum (UAM), 2008 (*)

Julia Knight (ed.), Diverse Practices: A Critical Reader on British Video Art, Luton, University of Luton Press, 1996

Laura Leuzzi and Stephen Partridge (ed.), Rewind Italia: Early Video Art in Italy, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 2015

Linn Lervik, Farhad Kalantary (eds.), Retrospective: Film and Video Art Norway, 1960-1990, Oslo, Atopia Stiftelse, 2011, nv/en

Davor Matičević, The Zagreb Circle in The New art Practice in Yugoslavia 1966-1978, Gallery of Contemporary Art Zagreb (Marijan Susovski ed.), Zagreb, 1978, pp. 25-26, en

Tihomir Milovac, The paradox of invisibility in Insert: Retrospective of Croatian Video Art (Tihomir Milovac, Silva Kalčić, Zagrebački Velesajam ed.), Muzej Suvremene Umjetnosti, Zagreb, 2008, en

Alan Leonard Rees, Projecting Back: UK Film and Video Installation in the 1970s, 2009/2010

Lorella Scacco (ed.), Northwave: A Survey of Video Art in Nordic Countries, Silvana Editoriale, 2009, it/en

Georg F. Schwarzbauer, Ursula Wevers, Video in Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Staatlische Kunstacademie, 1984, de

Alessandro Silj (ed.), Video Roma 82/83, Rome, Video Roma, 1982, it

Marijan Susovski, Inovacije u hrvatskoj suvremenoj umjetnosti sedamdesetih godina (Innovations in Croatian Contemporary Art of the Seventies) in The New art Practice in Yugoslavia 1966-1978 (Marijan Susovski ed.), Gallery of Contemporary Art Zagreb, Zagreb, 1978, pp. 26-28, cz

Video-art in the Federal Republic of Germany since 1976, Goethe-Institut Munich, 1986, en 

Video Maart. Video Studio Jan van Eyck, Maastricht, Jan Van Eyck, 1981, nl

On trans-national Events

Branka Benčić, Motovun video meeting 1976 in Cinemaniac 2015: Claudio Ambrosini, Sanja Iveković, Živa Kraus, Dalibor Martinis, Zdravko Milić, Michele Sambin, Goran Trbuljak, Luigi Viola, Pola, 2015, en

Branka Benčić, Ursula Krinzinger, Jerica Ziherl (ed.), Annale, Brdo 1976-2016, Unfolding the history of the artist residence, Open Public University Pore, 2016, en

Francesco Spampinato, “Trans-Europe Express” (Kraftwerk, 1977). Elettronica propulsiva, visioni intermediali e profezie disattese,” in Maria Teresa Soldani (ed.), Itinerari della canzone tra i media. Immaginari Narrazioni Trasmissioni, Neoclassica, Rome, 2013, it

On Video Art in Europe:  Online archive

Bruszewski / Artist online Archive

/ Online Video Art Catalogue, Hungary

Monoskop / on Video Art

Heure Exquise ! online Archive, France

New Media Encyclopedia / online archive from Museums

Muntadas / Artist online Archive

Robakowski / Artist online Archive

VALIE EXPORT / Artist Studio / Artist online Archive

Vasulka / Artist online Archive

Zgraja / Artist online Archive

Theoretical and Historiographical Publications on Video Art

Ina Blom, The Autobiography of Video. The Life and Times of a Memory Technology, New York, Sternberg Press, 2016

Michael Goddard, Guerrila Networks: An Anarchaeology of 1970s Radical Media Ecologies, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2018

William Kaizen, Against Immediacy: Video Art and Media Populism, Hanover, Dartmouth College, 2016

Laura Leuzzi, She became my teacher and mentor, Uncoverling the Legacy of Women Video Pionneers in Art Schools and Acedemies in Déborah Laks and Natalia Sassu Suarez Ferri (ed.), Transmission and Gender: Women Artists as Teachers in the XXth Century, Centre Allemand d’histoire de l’aer, Paris: 2023

Francesco Spampinato, Art vs. TV: A Brief History of Contemporary Artists’ Responses to Television, Bloomsbury Academic, New York and London, 2022, en

Yvonne Spielmann, Video: das reflexive Medium, Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, 2005

Helen Westgeest, Video Art Theory: A Comparative Approach, Malden, Wiley-Blackwell, 2015

Ursula Wevers, Gerry Schum, Exhibition, Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, 1979, nl

Ursula Wevers, Barbara Hess, and Ulrike Groos (eds.), Ready to shoot: Fernsehgalerie Gerry Schum/videogalerie Schum, Düsseldorf : Kunsthalle Snoeck, 2003, en

On General History of Video Art

Maeve Connolly, TV Museum: Contemporary Art and the Age of Television, Bristol/Chicago, Intellect Books, 2014

Catherine Elwes, Video Art: A Guided Tour, London/New York, I. B. Tauris, 2004

Rudolf Frieling and Dieter Daniels (éd.), Media Art Net 1: Survey of Media Art, Vienne/New York, Springer, 2004

Malin Hedlin Hayden, Video Art Historicized: Traditions and Negotiations, Surrey/Burlington, Ashgate, 2015

Wulf von Herzogenrath andEdith Decker (ed.), Video-Skulptur: retrospektiv und aktuell 1963-1989, Cologne, DuMont, 1989

Kathy High, Sherry Miller Hocking, Mona Jimenez (ed.), The Emergence of Video Processing Tools, 2 vols., Intellect, 2014

Slavko Kacunko, Closed Circuit Videoinstallationen, Berlin, Logos, 2004

Henriette Huldisch, Before Projection: Video Sculpture 1974-1995, Cambridge/Munich, MIT List Visual Arts Center/Hirmer Verlag, 2018

Chris Meigh-Andrews, A History of Video Art, Oxford/New York, Berg, 2006 ; reedition : New York/Londres, Bloosmbury, 2014

Valentina Valentini (ée.), TV ARTS TV: The Television Shot by Artists, Ars Santa Monica, La Fabrica, 2010

Francesco Spampinato, Coop Cinema: Notes Towards a History of Films and Videos by Art Collectives in PSJM (ed.), In Good Company: Films by International Art Collectives, Cabildo de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Spain, 2022, en/es

Text Anthologies and Sources on Video Art

François Bovier & Adeena Mey (eds.), René Berger, L’Art vidéo et autres essais (1971-1997), Zurich/Dijon, JRP|Ringier/Les presses du réel, 2014 (*)

David Curtis and Alan Leonard Rees (ed.), Expanded Cinema: Art, Performance & Film, Tate Publishing, London, 2011

Catherine Elwes, Video Art, A Guided Tour, IB Taurus, London, 2005

Vittorio Fagone (ed.), L’art vidéo 1980-1999: vingt ans du VideoArt Festival, Locarno: recherches, théories, perspectives, Milan, Mazzotta, 1999

Doug Hall and Sally Jo Fifer (eds.), Illuminating Video: An Essential Guide to Video Art, New York, Aperture Press, 1991

Jackie Hatfield (ed.), Experiments in Moving Image, Epigraph Publications, London, 2004

Slavko Kacunko (éd.), Theorien der Videokunst. Theoretikerinnen 1988-2003 & 2004-2018, 2 vols., Berlin, Logos, 2018

Alan Leonard Rees, Video Art and the Argument from Design, 2004

Ira Schneider and Beryl Korot (ed.), Video Art: An Anthology, New York, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976

Francesco Spampinao, “Video Art,” The Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism (REM), ed. by Stephen Ross, Routledge, London, 2016, online, en