Marina Abramović & Ulay (interviewer: Heidi Grundmann, transcript, 1978, source: Marina Abramović & Ulay: Relation/Works: 3 Performances, Galerie Krinzinger, Innsbruck, en)

Academic Training Group (Giedrius Kumetaitis, Simonas Tarvydas and Mindaugas Ratavičius)
(interviewer: Gerda Paliušytė, transcript, jan. 2019, source: Sinemateka, en)

Claudio Ambrosini
(interviewer: Lisa Parolo, transcript, 2013-2015, source: Lisa Parolo, it)

Aleksas Andriuškevičius
(interviewer: Gerda Paliušytė, transcript, april 2019, source: Sinemateka, en)

Paulius Arlauskas
(interviewer: Gerda Paliušytė, transcript, jan. 2019, source: Sinemateka, en)

Kevin Atherton
(interviewer: Jackie Hatfield, sound, 2005, source: Rewind, en)

Renato Barilli
(interviewer: Laura Leuzzi, 2011, source: Rewind, it)

Joseph Beuys
(interviewer: Wulf Herzogenrath, transcript, 1982, source: Videokunst in Deutschland 1963-1982, Stuttgart, en)

Maria Gloria Bicocchi
(intervier: Laura Leuzzi, 2011, source: Rewind, en/it)

Kjell Bjørgeengen
(interviewer: Marit Paasche & Anne Marthe Dyvi, transcript, 2014, source: Lives und Videotapes, The inconsistent History or Norwegian Video Art (introduction), Feil Forlag / Videokunstarkivet, Oslo, en)

Konstantinas Bogdanas
(interviewer: Gerda Paliušytė, transcript, oct. 2019, source: Sinemateka, en)

Morten Børresen
(interviewer: Marit Paasche, transcript, 2014, source: Lives und Videotapes, The inconsistent History or Norwegian Video Art (introduction), Feil Forlag / Videokunstarkivet, Oslo, en)

Wojciech Bruszewski
(interviewer: Tomasz Samosionek, transcript, 1988, source: Tomasz Samosionek, Videoart. Sztuka wideo w Polsce 1973-1985, PWSFTviT w Łodzi, Łódź, pl)
(interviewer: Małgorzata Jankowska, transcript, 2004, source: Małgorzata Jankowska, Wideo, wideo instalacja, wideo performance w Polsce w latach 1973-1994, Wydawnictwo UMK, Toruń, pl)

Robert Cahen and Chris Meigh-Andrews 
(interviewer: Terry Flaxton, video, 2011, source: CMA, en)

Paolo Cardazzo
(interviewer: Steve Partridge and Deirdre Mackenna, video, source: Rewind, en)

Luciano Celli
(interviewer: Lisa Parolo, transcript, 2015-2016, source: Lisa Parolo, it)

David Critchley
(interviewer: Chris Meigh-Andrews, 2021, transcript, source: CMA, en)

Sean Cubitt
(interviewer: Ben Cook, transcript, 2009, source: CMA, en) 

Silvie Défraoui

(interviewers: François Bovier & Stéphanie Serra, video, 2021, source: ECAL, fr)
(interviewers: Angela Nyffeler, Jakob Pürling, Dora Imhof, transcript, 2009, source: Oral History Archive ETH Zurich, all)
(interviewers: Melissa Rérat, transcript, 2011, source: Oral History Archive ETH Zurich, fr)

Peter Donebauer
(interviewer: Chris Meigh-Andrews, transcript, 2000, source: CMA, en)

Catherine Elwes (interviewer: Chris Meigh-Andrews, transcript, 2021, source: CMA, en)

Valie Export
(interviewer: Femme totale, transcript, 1992, source: Feministische Streifüge durch’s Punkte Unviversum, Filwerkstatt ed. Dortmund, en. trad. R. Altstatt)

Pier Paolo Fassetta
(interviewer: Lisa Parolo, transcript, 2015-2016, source: Lisa Parolo, it)

Terry Flaxton
(interviewer: Chris Meigh-Andrews, transcript, 2022, source: CMA, en)

Rose Garrard
(interviewer: Maggie Warwick, transcript, 2008, source: Rewind, en)

Luciano Giaccari
(Rosana Buono, Intervista a Luciano Giaccari, Video arte in Italia n. 88, 2006, pp. 39-45, source: Rewind, en)

Johannes Gfeller
(interviewers: Evtixia Bibassis, Gabriel Müller, Dora Imhof, transcript, 2009, source: Oral History Archive ETH Zurich, all)

Judith Goddard
(interviewer: Chris Meigh-Andrews, transcript, 2005, source: CMA, en)

Karla Gruodis 
(interviewer: Natalija Arlauskaitė, transcript, nov. 2019, source: Sinemateka, en)

Henrikas Gulbinas
(interviewer: Gerda Paliušytė, transcript, sept. 2019, source: Sinemateka, en)

David Hall
(interviewer: Chris Meigh-Andrews, transcript, 2000, source: CMA, en)

Sue Hall & John Hopkin

(interviewer: Chris Meigh-Andrews, transcript, 2005, source: CMA, en)

Mick Hartney
(interviewer: Maggie Warwick, sound, 2007, source: Rewind, en) 

Marianne Heske
(interviewer: Marit Paasche & Anne Marthe Dyvi, transcript, 2014, source: Lives und Videotapes, The inconsistent History or Norwegian Video Art (introduction), Feil Forlag / Videokunstarkivet, Oslo, en.)

Madelon Hooykaas
(interviewer: Laura Leuzzi, sound, 2015, source: EWAC, en)

Hoppy Hopkins (interviewer: Terry Flaxton and Chris Meigh-Andrews, video, 2013, source: CMA, en)

Madelon Hooykaas (interviewer: Chris Meigh-Andrews, transcript, 2012, source: CMA, en)

Erkki Huhtamo 

(interviewer: Lorella Scacco, transcript, 2022, source: Lorella Scacco, en)

Ana Janevski
(interviewer: Sanja Iveković, transcript, 2019, source: Tihomir Milovac, en)

Inghild Karlsen
(interviewer: Marit Paasche, transcript, 2014, source: Lives und Videotapes, The inconsistent History or Norwegian Video Art (introduction), Feil Forlag / Videokunstarkivet, Oslo, en.)

Tina Keane
(interviewer: Jackie Hatfield, sound, 2005, source: Rewind, en)

Laimė Kiškūnė
(interviewer: Gerda Paliušytė, transcript, feb. 2021, source: Sinemateka, en)

Tamara Krikorian
(interviewer: Jackie Hatfield, sound, 2005, source: Rewind, en)

Paweł Kwiek
(interviewer: Małgorzata Jankowska, transcript, 2004, source: Małgorzata Jankowska, Wideo, wideo instalacja, wideo performance w Polsce w latach 1973-1994, Wydawnictwo UMK, Toruń, pl)
(interviewer: Tomasz Samosionek, transcript, 1988, source: Tomasz Samosionek, Videoart. Sztuka wideo w Polsce 1973-1985, PWSFTviT w Łodzi, Łódź, pl)

Ivan Ladislav Galeta
(interviewer: Silva Kalčić, transcript, 2003, source: Tihomir Milova, cz)

Aistė Lapinskaitė
(interviewer: Mantė Valiūnaitė, transcript, june 2019, source: Sinemateka, en)

Mike Leggett
(interviewer: Jackie Hatfield, sound, 2005, source: Rewind, en)

Steve Littman
(interviewer: Jackie Hatfield, sound, 2006, source: Rewind, en)

Urs Lüthi
(interviewers: François Bovier & Stéphanie Serra, transcript, 2023, source: ECAL, fr)
(interviewers: Linus Heller, Dora Imhof, Phetphachanh Thammavongsa, transcript, 2009, source: Oral History Archive ETH Zurich, all)

Federica Marangoni
(interviewer: Vittoria Gelati, transcript, 2019-2021, source: Lisa Parolo, it)

Dalibor Martinis
(interviewer: Tihomir Milovac, transcript, 1995, source: TM, en)
(interviewer: Slavko Kacunko, transcript, 2023, en)

Dieter Meier
(interviewers: Yasmin Afschar, Dora Imhof, Simone Mathys, transcript, 2008, source: Oral History Archive ETH Zurich, all)
(interviewers: François Bovier ans Stéphanie Serra, transcript, 2023, en)

Chris Meigh-Andrews
(interviewer: Lola Bonnici, transcript, 2022, en)
(interviewer: Ann Dingli, transcript, 2022, en)
Chris Meigh-Andrews, Rowan Blaik & Alan Summers
(interviewer: Vince Dziekan, transcript, 2012, en)
(interviewer: Martin Barnes, transcript, 2001, en)
(interviewer: Jackie Hatfield, transcript, 2006, en)
(interviewer: Cinzia Cremona, 1995, transcript, 1995, en)
(working with the Videokalos Image Processor : 1978-1981, text, en)

Antoni Mikołajczyk
(interviewer: Tomasz Samosionek, transcript, 1987, source: Tomasz Samosionek, Videoart. Sztuka wideo w Polsce 1973-1985, PWSFTviT w Łodzi, Łódź, pl)

Terje Munthe
(interviewer: Marit Paasche & Anne Marthe Dyvi, transcript, 2014, source: Lives und Videotapes, The inconsistent History or Norwegian Video Art (introduction), Feil Forlag / Videokunstarkivet, Oslo, en)

Richard Monkhouse (Spectron)
(interviewer: Chris Meigh-Andrews, transcript, 2000, en)

Anneli Nygren
(interviewer: Lorella Scacco, transcript, 2022, source: Lorella Scacco, en)

Jean Otth
(interviewer: Melissa Rerat, transcript, 2011, source: Oral History Archive ETH Zurich, fr)
(interviewers: Ana Sokic, Dora Imhof, transcript, 2009, source: Oral History Archive ETH Zurich, fr)

Nam June Paik
(interviewer: Dieter Daniels, transcript, 1990, source: Rewind, ge)

Stephen Partridge
(interviewer: Jackie Hatfield, transcript, 2004, source: Rewind, en)

Andrzej Paruzel
(interviewer: Tomasz Samosionek, transcript, 1987, source: Tomasz Samosionek, Videoart. Sztuka wideo w Polsce 1973-1985, PWSFTviT w Łodzi, Łódź, pl)

Luca Maria Patella
(interviewer: Laura Leuzzi, 2011, Source: Rewind, it)

Ursula Perucchi-Petri
(interviewers: Anna Schiestl , Timo Niemeyer, Dora Imhof, transcript, 2009, source: Oral History Archive ETH Zurich, all)

Walter Pfeiffer
(interviewers: Angela Weber, Dora Imhof, Fabian Schöneich, transcript, 2008, source: Oral History Archive ETH Zurich, all)

Perttu Rastas
(interviewer: Lorella Scacco, transcript, 2022, source: Lorella Scacco, en)

Martial Raysse
(interviewers: the research team, transcript, 2023, it)

Seppo Renvall
(interviewer: Lorella Scacco, transcript, 2022, source: Lorella Scacco, en)

Ulrike Rosenbach
(interviewer: Amine Haase, transcript, 1982, source: Ulrike Rosenbach, Videokunst - Foto - Aktion/Performance - Feminische Kunst, Koln, en)
(Video als Medium der Emanzipation, 1982, source: Videokunst in Deutschland 1963-1982, ed. W. Herzogenrath)

Michele Sambin
(interviewer: Lisa Parolo, transcript, 2012, source: Lisa Parolo, it) (interviewer: Lisa Parolo, transcript, 2014, source: Lisa Parolo / Michele Sambin, performance tra musica, pittura e video, Padova, it)

Guido Sartorelli
(interview: Laura Leuzzi, 2002, source: Rewind, en)
(interviewer: Lisa Parolo, transcript, 2015-2016, source: Lisa Parolo, it

Mario Sasso 
(interviewer: Laura Leuzzi, sound, 2011, source: Rewind, it)

Lydia Schouten
(interviewer: Laura Leuzzi, transcript, 2015, source: EWAC, en)

Vilma Šileikienė
(interviewer: Gerda Paliušytė, transcript, beb. 2021, source: Sinemateka, en)

Mario Sillani
(interviewer: Lisa Parolo, transcript, 2015-2016, source: Lisa Parolo, it)

Tony Sinden
(interviewer: Jackie Hatfield, sound, 2005, source: Rewind, en)

Elaine Shemilt
(interviewer: Deirdre Mackenna, sound, 2012, source: Rewind, en)
(interviewer: Laura Leuzzi, sound, 2016, source: Rewind, en)

Annegret Soltau
(interviewer: Laura Leuzzi, transcript, 2015, source: EWAC, en)

Felicity Sparrow
(interviewer: Katy Deepwell, transcript, 2014, source: n.paradoxa, en)

Galerie Stampa
(interviewers: Julie Freudiger, Thomas Gamma, Ilona Genoni, Dora Imhof, Corina Rombach, Philip Ursprung, Dora Imhof, transcript, 2007, source: Oral History Archive ETH Zurich, all)

Mike Stubbs
(interviewer: Sean Cubitt, transcript, 2007, source: Rewind, en)

Tsvend Thomsen
(self-interview, oct. 2011, en)

Woody & Steina Vasulka
(interviewer: Chris Meigh-Andrews, transcript, 2000, source: CMA, en) 

Luigi Viola
(interviewers: Stephen Partridge & Sonia Rollack, 2008, source: Rewind, en) (interviewer: Emanuele Dileone, transcript, [2020] , source: Lisa Parolo, it)

Wolf Vostell
(interviewer: Wolfgang Becker, 1970, transcript, source: Vostell Elektronich, Neue Galerie Stadt Aachen, en)

Ryszard Waśko
(interviewer: Tomasz Samosionek, transcript, 1987, source: Tomasz Samosionek, Videoart. Sztuka wideo w Polsce 1973-1985, PWSFTviT w Łodzi, Łódź, pl)

David Weiss
(interviewer: Noëmi Landolt, Dora Imhof, Philip Ursprung, transcript, 2008, source: Oral History Archive ETH Zurich, all)

Jeremy Welsh
(interviewer: Marit Paasche & Anne Marthe Dyvi, transcript, 2014, source: Lives und Videotapes, The inconsistent History or Norwegian Video Art (introduction), Feil Forlag / Videokunstarkivet, Oslo, en)

Teresa Wennberg
(interview: Lorella Scacco, transcript, 2023, en)

Anna Winteler
(interviewer: Katrin Sperry, Basil Schmid, David Pine, Dora Imhof , transcript, 2009, source: Oral History Archive ETH Zurich, all)

Nil Yalter
(interviewer: Laura Leuzzi, 2015, sound, source: EWAC, en)

In green, the interviews made for the Research Project